Thursday, October 22, 2009

To Members and Friends of First Congregational Church of Oakland
This is to inform you that there will be a
Congregational Meeting
 November 8, 2009
Immediately following worship in the sanctuary
Time: 12:15 - 1:15

The desired outcome of the meeting is:

The congregation's decision whether to authorize continued deficit spending to fund our ministries as planned in the 2009 budget, and to cover the deficit from our endowment.

All are invited to attend the meeting. Only voting members may vote.

A word on being a Congregational church:

The voting members of the congregation comprise the governing body of our church. You are a voting member if you completed the Freedom Train class and made the commitments of membership during worship.

Our bylaws require that official congregational meetings be announced at least two weeks prior to the meeting. No agenda items requiring a vote may be added once the notification is made. Therefore the one vote to be taken at the November 8th meeting is stated in the above desired outcome. 

It's essential to our congregational system that members have full understanding of all aspects of our ministry, including its financial realities.  To help ensure your understanding, please attend the informational meeting immediately following worship on October 25. That meeting is to inform you of our current deficit and its implications, and to allow time between then and November 8th for you to ask any further questions.

On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I urge your attendance at both of these meetings.

God's peace be with you,

Pat Bruce-Lerrigo

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